Friday, March 18, 2011

Tentative Oella HOA Meeting Agenda - Monday, March 21st at 7pm

  1. Call to Order — 7:00 p.m.
  2. Meeting Minutes — Discuss/Revise/Approve
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. ARC Update
    1. ARC Appeal Hearing — 760 Oella Ave
  5. Landscaping, Snow Removal & Common Areas
  6. Board Action Items from Management Report
  7. Old Business
    1. Collections Policy
    2. Guidelines document approval — status
    3. Timberpoint encroachments
    4. Status of HOA/Drehoff mediation
    5. Account Appeal (730 Pleasant Hill)
    6. Proposal from Oella Company (regarding parking for 781 Oella Ave)
    7. Short/Long Brick Row/Association Parking Guidelines
    8. Status of ARC violation/appeal (regarding window installation at 760 Oella Ave)
  8. New Business
    1. Timber Point Erosion
  9. Questions and comments from residents
  10. Move to Adjourn

Saturday, March 12, 2011

April 5th Talk by Architectural Historian Dr. Henry K. Sharp

Roots of the American Industrial Revolution traced to 1771 Ellicott City, two decades before 1793 Cotton Mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island

Contrary to popular history, the American Industrial Revolution did not begin in 1793 in Pawtucket Rhode Island in Samuel Slater’s Cotton Mill. Instead its beginnings can be traced to Ellicott City in 1771 where the Quaker Ellicott Brothers established a flour-milling industrial village on the banks of the Patapsco River.

These are the findings of architectural historian Dr. Henry K. Sharp, whose earlier research can be found in his very popular book, “The Patapsco River Valley, Cradle of the Industrial Revolution in Maryland.” Dr. Sharp will be revealing these finding and other discoveries as part of an illustrated lecture on Tuesday, April 5 in the Banneker Room of The George Howard Building in Ellicott City.

The lecture is sponsored by The Friends of the Patapsco Valley and Heritage Greenway, a local environmental and historical preservation group with a mission to protect and restore the environment, history and culture of the Patapsco River Valley. The lecture will be the highlight of the group’s Annual Meeting which will begin at 7 pm. Dr. Sharp will be introduced at 7:30 pm.

The public is invited to attend the lecture to hear firsthand the findings of Dr. Sharp. By busting the myth of New England’s claim as the cradle of the Industrial Revolution, the entrepreneurial Ellicott Brothers are finally getting recognition long overdue.

For further information on the lecture, please contact Charles Wagandt, 410-465-1700.

About Dr. Henry K. Sharp

Dr. Sharp received his BA, MA and PhD from the University of Virginia. He is an architectural historian and has written widely on historical subjects in addition to his lectures in Paris. He has done historical archeology in the Chesapeake region, medieval archeology in France and classical archeology in Sicily.

About The Friends of the Patapsco Valley and Heritage Greenway

The Friends of Patapsco Valley and Heritage Greenway Inc. (FPVHG) is dedicated to preserving, protecting, interpreting and restoring the environment, history and culture of the Valley between Daniels and Elkridge, Maryland.

1771 Ellicott City is the cradle of the American Industrial Revolution according to recent findings by noted architectural historian Dr. Henry K. Sharp.