Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thisle Run stream cleanup this Saturday 9am

Come to the stream clean up of Thistle Run organized by the Friends of Patapsco Valley and Heritage Greenway on Saturday, April 30 from 9-12 (rain or shine). The stream runs along Thistle Rd, which intersects Frederick Rd at Dimitri's Restaurant. Parking will be at 214 Thistle Rd, which is the second  driveway on the right. The stream is in a deep valley in this area, but for those who would prefer less challenging terrain, folks will be needed to cleanup along the road as well.

Please wear sturdy shoes/boots, and bring your own gloves if possible (we will have some gloves). Long pants and long sleeves are recommended. A couple shovels always come in handy as well. Please arrive at 8:45 for registration and a breakfast of donuts, coffee and usual). Water and snacks will also be provided.
If possible, RSVP to Julia Graham at , so she knows how much food to order.

Oella Community Garden in the news

Read about our opening day here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Earth Day celebration at Banneker Park Saturday April 23 10-4

Earth Day Celebration -- hosted by Benjamin Banneker Historical Park & Museum, 300 Oella Ave., April 23, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Family oriented event. Free. Isha McKnight, 410-887-1081.

From 10-1, the community garden will hold it's groundbreaking and offer a free planting activity for kids.

Oella resident designs iPhone app

Read the story here.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tentative Oella HOA Meeting Agenda - Monday, April 18th at 7pm

  1. Call to Order — 7:00 p.m.
  2. Meeting Minutes — Discuss/Revise/Approve
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. ARC Update
  5. Landscaping & Common Areas
  6. Board Action Items from Management Report
  7. Old Business

    1. Guidelines document approval status
    2. Timberpoint encroachments
    3. Status of HOA/Drehoff mediation
    4. Short/Long Brick Row parking situation

  8. New Business
  9. Questions and comments from residents
  10. Move to Adjourn

Friday, April 8, 2011

New grass at Long Brick Row and Timber Point

The landscaper has planted grass seed to prevent soil erosion in small areas at Long Brick Row and Timber Point. Please try not to walk on the grass or allow dogs to urinate on it until it is established. Young grass is delicate.

To prevent continuing erosion of the Timber Point hillside resulting from runoff from the uphill proerty, mowing of the area will be stopped.