Monday, April 30, 2012

Tentative ARC Meeting Agenda - May 2, 2012

Location: Westchester Center
Date: May 2, 2012
Time: 6:15pm

Tentative Agenda:

Old Business:
  1. Progress of photo inventory
  2. Manufacturer’s list of window suppliers
  3. Letter to 745 re: storm/screen door and need for application to be submitted

New Business:
  1. 748 Oella Avenue application to change color of door and steps, etc.
  2. Annual maintenance inspections

Monday, April 23, 2012

Long Brick Row Paint Colors

Over the years, several shades of red and green have proliferated on doors along Long Brick Row. In order to stabilize the colors, a palette was suggested by Nancy Pascale a new member of the ARC with training and professional experience in design and the use of paint both exterior and interior. To bring the red and green doors back into harmony, the ARC selected Benjamin Moore 121 Peale Green (green) and Benjamin Moore 1274 Warm Earth (red). New colors were also considered to coordinate with the traditional red and green: Sherwin Williams SW6076 Turkish Coffee (brown) and Benjamin Moore 1596 Nightfall (charcoal gray). Turkish Coffee was approved now and Nightfall deferred for later consideration.

For all trim Sherwin Williams SW7551 Greek Villa (white) was selected and a new gray, Sherwin Williams SW1552 River Reflections for hatches, porch floors and steps was added. All colors were chosen to coordinate with each other and the brick facade. The specific colors for the doors were chosen to be similar in reflective value so no particular door advances or retreats relative to the others along the row. Discussed and approved by the ARC at the regular March 2012 meeting, the palette was also approved by the Board at their regular March 2012 meeting.

Due to the difficulty of faithfully rendering color online, the ARC hopes to distribute paint chips of the palette to residents of Long Brick Row in the coming weeks. All comments are welcome.

Learn more about Citizens On Patrol

Greet your neighbors on Second Saturdays, beginning April 14.

At noon on the second Saturday of the month, leave your house, and walk around a bit. Say hello to your neighbors. Learn about your neighborhood. A friendlier neighborhood is a safer neighborhood.

Learn more about
Citizens On Patrol (COP)
at Oella COP’s first meeting

on Thursday, May 3
at Westchester Community Center.
Room 2B
2414 Westchester Avenue, 21043
7 pm

Meet Office Rubie, your Community Outreach Officer for our neighborhood.
“The Citizens On Patrol program is one of Baltimore County’s most effective Crime Prevention tools for communities”

James W. Johnson
Chief of Police, Baltimore County

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tentative Oella HOA Meeting Agenda - Monday, April 16th at 7pm

  1. Call to Order — 7:00 p.m.
  2. Meeting Minutes — Discuss/Revise/Approve
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. ARC Update
  5. Landscaping & Common Areas
    1. Resident inquiry regarding Timberpoint pruning
    2. Resident inquiry regarding Pleasant Hill common areas
  6. Old Business
    1. Long/Short brick row parking
    2. Refuse storage on a property at Herring Hill
    3. Mediation completion status
  7. New Business
    1. Repaving HOA roadways and parking lots
  8. Questions and comments from residents
  9. Move to Adjourn