Monday, October 15, 2012

Tentative Oella HOA Meeting Agenda - Monday, October 15th at 7pm

  • Call to Order — 7:00 p.m.
  • Meeting Minutes — Discuss/Revise/Approve
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • ARC Update
  • Landscaping & Common Areas
    • Repaving Status
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Questions and comments from residents
  • Move to Adjourn
  • Wednesday, October 3, 2012

    Paving Work Postponed (Again)

    Dear neighbors,

    Once again, the final day of seal-coating for our drives and parking lots has been postponed because of the wet conditions. Please spread the word that the roads lots are all free to use until further notice.

    We will send another notice as soon as we can schedule another day to complete this work.

    Thank you for your continued patience,

    Oella HOA Board of Directors

    Tuesday, October 2, 2012

    Tentative ARC Meeting Agenda - October 3, 2012

    Tentative ARC Agenda
    6:15 PM 10/3/12
    Westchester Community Center

    Old Business:
    1. Photo inventory – progress
    2. Window manufacturers – progress
    3. Progress report on palette for Long Brick Row
    4. Complaint about satellite dish at 738 Oella Avenue
    5. Complaint about shutters at Pleasant Hill Rd.
    New Business:
    1. Shutters at 745 Oella Avenue
    2. Gas Meters
    3. Timber Point Shingle
    4. Timber Point Paint Palette