Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tree Trimming Near Lillies Lane

The board was notified that in the near future, Precision Tree Service, a Subcontractor for BGE, will be cutting trees along Oella Ave, near Lillies Lane, to prevent damage to the high tension lines during high wind storms.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Tentative Oella HOA Meeting Agenda - Monday, January 21st at 7pm

  • Call to Order — 7:00 p.m.
  • Meeting Minutes — Discuss/Revise/Approve
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • ARC Update
    • Pleasant Hill paint trim appeal
  • Landscaping & Common Areas
  • Old Business
    • Trash complaint on Oella Ave
    • Action item list (including parking)
  • New Business
    • 2013 election of officers
    • Handling of letters from Board - templates etc
    • Publicizing what the HOA does
    • Postponement of fees request
    • Mutt Mitt Purchases
    • Snow removal
  • Questions and comments from residents
  • Move to Adjourn