Thursday, January 21, 2010

A few announcements from the Board

1) The board is looking for volunteers to serve on the Architectural Review Committee. Please contact community manager Alan Mangen if you are interested in serving a 3 month term. Terms are renewable. Members who have unresolved or outstanding ARC requests or issues will be considered for the ARC after all issues are resolved.

2) The board is seeking at least one community volunteer to serve on the 2010 nominating committee. Please contact Alan if you are interested.

3) At least one resident has recently expressed interest in serving on the board. The board can consist of up to 9 members, according to our CC&Rs. If anyone else is interested in an appointment, please contact Alan.

4) Several HOA members attended the January board meeting after receiving an anonymous hand-delivered letter regarding a petition and a request to attend the January 18 regular board meeting. Not all residents have received this letter, including board members. It was apparently selectively distributed. THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL HOA DOCUMENT AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFICIAL VOTE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR GOVERNING DOCUMENTS. The anonymous authors of the document failed to attend the meeting and present any signed petition forms or proxies to the board. Nor was a place or person to which the proxies were to be sent designated in the letter. Apologies to the residents who were mislead into thinking the regular board meeting was a special meeting, but the board thanks them for staying for the whole meeting and offering their comments and input.