Monday, October 18, 2010

Landscaping improvements--Thanks to donors!

We've made several landscaping improvements in the past several months thanks to generous donors and the bulb sale. A big THANKS! goes to the volunteers who helped plant, and to those who contributed. Here's what we've done:

1) Donated black-eyed susans and perennials planted along stone wall on Oella Ave. ~800 block.

2) Donations for a tree in memory of deceased mill worker Earnest Harding, Jr. exceeded the cost of the tree. Thus, we planted a redbud tree behind Short Brick Row and some perennials at the Long Brick Row outhouse garden.

3) Part of the bulb sale proceeds were used to purchase beautyberry bushes planted near the outhouse garden. The rest of the proceeds will be used in the Spring to purchase redbud canes for planting along the riverside in the Spring Street/Lillies Lane garden areas.

4) Donated daffodils were planted at Timber Point, Long Brick Row, and Short Brick Row. More bulbs are on their way. E-mail Amanda if you want some for common areas near your house.