Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2010 Board of Directors Election Results

Mr. Mangen of American Community Management verified a quorum of members at Monday's annual meeting (by way of attendees and proxy ballots). After a quorum was established, the election process commenced.

Each of the three candidates were announced. Director Lauer read a prepared statement that Mr. Drehoff ask be read in his absence. That was followed by statements by the other 2 nominees - Directors Altemus and Rath. Before voting commenced, there was an open call for nominees from the floor — there were no additional nominees.

Two volunteers then collected the ballots and tallied results with Mr. Mangen observing the process. Upon completion, the results were announced with Directors Altemus and Rath retaining their seats on the board.

The board would like the thank the volunteers that tallied ballots as well as all that participated in the voting process.

Per request, additional details regarding the election have been posted below:

There were 25 ballots cast by members in attendance and 18 cast by proxy. These 43 ballots fulfilled the 25% membership attendance requirement to establish a quorum as mandated by the CC&Rs (25% of 161 membership requires 41). The counting of ballots was performed by 2 volunteer members in attendance, with Mr. Mangen from ACM acting as a witness. The detailed election results were as follows:

Candidate Total Votes
Anne Altemus 37
Jeff Baker (write-in) 1
Don Drehoff 1
Raina Rath 38

Please note that members were able to send in ballots for the purposes of establishing a quorum without casting votes for candidates — as such the totals needn't add up to 100% of the cast ballots.