Friday, February 26, 2010

Greater Oella Community Association meeting March 10 7pm

This is the re-scheduled meeting that was snowed out in February. The meetings are open to everyone.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Campaign to have Oella Ave snow cleared

Have you had too many tight squeezes on Oella Ave.? It doesn't look like Oella Ave is going to receive any more snow removal, and the county had blown it's snow budget. Let's get on the phone to demand that they clear out some of this snow and restore Oella Ave to two lanes. Call: 410-887-3560. **Update: if that number is not working, call 410-887-0000 and ask to speak to the roads department about snow removal.

If you're driving on Oella Ave: Go slow, in a low gear (automatics--that's what the 2 and D3 or L are for). Pull over or back up to allow cars to pass if you are near an opening or wider part of the road. If you get stuck, do not step on the gas full force--it makes it worse. Have patience!

Some neighbors are taking the initiative to clear some snow/ice from the road in front of their homes. If you do this, *Thanks* and please be very mindful of traffic.

Board meeting is back at the Westchester Center

Due to a lack of sufficient alternative space within walking distance, the board meeting will be held at the Westchester Center at 7pm as originally planned, weather permitting.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow collapses roof of building in Old Ellicott City

No one was injured. Read about it here.

And here.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Repost: Online Spring Plant Sale

Help us raise money for beautification projects by purchasing plants here.

This is a good activity to combat cabin fever and think of Spring!

New venue for Monday's board meeting in light of (more) forecast snow

In light of the poor road conditions which may get poorer with more snow on Monday, the board will not hold the Monday board meeting at the Westchester Center. We do currently plan to try to meet to discuss, among other important things, the snow removal and weather-related damage to HOA common areas. Details about where (probably a board member's house within safe walking distance of board members) are being discussed. Oella HOA members who wish to attend are asked to e-mail the board so that proper accommodations regarding living room space can be made.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb. 15 Board Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order – 7:00pm
2. January Meeting Minutes – Discuss/Revise/Approve
3. Treasurer’s Report – Scott
a. Snow removal budget
b. report of attorneys opinion on treatment of parking assessments in budget
4. ARC Update –
a.Volunteers for 2010
5. HOA Landscaping & Common Areas –
a. Update on master plan development
b. Update on use of MHGP tour funds for beautification/master landscaping plan
c. Plant sale fundraiser
d. 2010 Landscaping expense trimming
6. Parking Committee – Anne, Amanda & Marcia
7. Guidelines Committee update
8. Board Action Items from Management Report
9. Old Business
a. Recordation of Millrace Trail easement. Pending due to budget constraints.
b. Drehoff fence issue
c. Charles James Circle survey encroachment issues
10. New Business
a. 2010 Nominating Committee
b. Communications
c. Member request via ACM re. solar panel issue
11. Questions, comments from residents.
12. Move to Adjourn

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow info: Snowmageddon II

After being in the city this morning, I can say that we are lucky to have had Frederick Rd. cleared and Oella Ave plowed as well as they were the first time. We are also lucky to have Neighborhood Lawn Care right here in Oella, working all hours to remove snow from our lots.

Please thank the snow removal crew and please have patience with this next bout. It will be more difficult to move the snow. The crews can't get around until the county plows the roads, and there is just not much space for another 2 feet of white stuff. They cannot get very close to cars because of the ice/worries about damage.

If you can, please refrain from parking at the ends of the lots, or at least group cars so that some continuous spaces are open. This will help the plows and front end loaders maneuver the snow out of the way. Keep an eye out for them over the next few days, and move your cars out of the way when possible.

Oella Ave is in tough shape right now, so don't drive anywhere if you don't have to. If you must get out of the house, the Phoenix Emporium will be open downtown (please walk, don't drive).

Alan Mangen, the community manager, will be available by phone and e-mail tomorrow. Please contact him if there is an HOA-related problem.

Stay warm and safe, and happy shoveling!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Limited Trash and Recycling Collection for February 9

Towson, Md. (February 7, 2010) - In limited areas, trash and recycling collections will occur on Tuesday, February 9. If your trash or recycling is not collected Tuesday, please hold it for collection on Tuesday, February 16.

Dept. of Public Works snow information line 410-887-3560

Residents are asked to call this line for problems related to snow removal.

Emergency managers say please do not call to schedule plowing of your road; drivers follow a priority-driven map.

The County's Winter Storm Center is a comprehensive guide to county activity and services during snowstorms. Tips:

* Please be patient. During an ordinary storm, it takes highways crews 18 to 24 hours after the snow stops to clear all of Baltimore County’s roads. This promises to be an extraordinary storm, and it likely will take longer.

* You do not need to call to have your road plowed. County snowplows follow mapped routes. Snow routes give first priority to clearing main roads, followed by community/subdivision streets, courts and cul-de-sacs.

* Avoid parking on the street, if possible, to make it easier for snowplows to get through.

* Do not shovel or plow snow into the street.

* Snowplows cannot stop at every driveway. Consider waiting until plows have come through at least once before you shovel the end of your driveway.

* Trees and tree limbs that fall on private property are the homeowner’s responsibility

* Residents are responsible for shoveling sidewalks.

Spring Plant Sale

While you're stuck inside looking at piles of white, think Spring! The Oella HOA landscaping committee is running an online plant sale. Proceeds will go towards neighborhood beautification projects. The sale runs until April 23.

Click here to view the selection of plants and to make purchses.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow information

The snow plow service provider is ready to go. He will either check all
salt boxes this morning or will have plenty of salt on the truck so he can
fill boxes as he goes.

He did ask us to get a message out to the community requesting
that residents that usually park at the end of the lots park some place else
for the storm. His concern is where to put all the snow.

If the end spots are clear he can pile the snow there. If not he may have to
stage it and then bring in heavy equipment to have the snow removed from the
community. That is a common procedure when as much snow as is expected
falls. It is also expensive.

Pleas also refrain from sledding down the HOA-owned driveways. It packs down the snow and makes them very difficult to plow.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Greater Oella Community Assoc. (GOCA) meeting Feb 10, 7pm Westchester Center

No agenda available yet, but there will definitely be a discussion of the Oella Ball on April 24. The ball will be a fundraiser for the proposed community garden at Banneker Park. Look for the agenda in the GOCA newsletter that should arrive in your mailbox any day.

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