Sunday, February 14, 2010

Campaign to have Oella Ave snow cleared

Have you had too many tight squeezes on Oella Ave.? It doesn't look like Oella Ave is going to receive any more snow removal, and the county had blown it's snow budget. Let's get on the phone to demand that they clear out some of this snow and restore Oella Ave to two lanes. Call: 410-887-3560. **Update: if that number is not working, call 410-887-0000 and ask to speak to the roads department about snow removal.

If you're driving on Oella Ave: Go slow, in a low gear (automatics--that's what the 2 and D3 or L are for). Pull over or back up to allow cars to pass if you are near an opening or wider part of the road. If you get stuck, do not step on the gas full force--it makes it worse. Have patience!

Some neighbors are taking the initiative to clear some snow/ice from the road in front of their homes. If you do this, *Thanks* and please be very mindful of traffic.

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