Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow info: Snowmageddon II

After being in the city this morning, I can say that we are lucky to have had Frederick Rd. cleared and Oella Ave plowed as well as they were the first time. We are also lucky to have Neighborhood Lawn Care right here in Oella, working all hours to remove snow from our lots.

Please thank the snow removal crew and please have patience with this next bout. It will be more difficult to move the snow. The crews can't get around until the county plows the roads, and there is just not much space for another 2 feet of white stuff. They cannot get very close to cars because of the ice/worries about damage.

If you can, please refrain from parking at the ends of the lots, or at least group cars so that some continuous spaces are open. This will help the plows and front end loaders maneuver the snow out of the way. Keep an eye out for them over the next few days, and move your cars out of the way when possible.

Oella Ave is in tough shape right now, so don't drive anywhere if you don't have to. If you must get out of the house, the Phoenix Emporium will be open downtown (please walk, don't drive).

Alan Mangen, the community manager, will be available by phone and e-mail tomorrow. Please contact him if there is an HOA-related problem.

Stay warm and safe, and happy shoveling!

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